And Burbank makes 17! Yes 17 stunning display homes for your viewing at Hurtle Grove.

The Aston 287 and the Coleman 253 are both large modern homes designed for family living.

Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a ‘kid’s area’ and rumpus room on the second story, the Aston is a great choice for a 12.5m frontage block. Downstairs you will find an open plan kitchen, meals and family space, along with a study at the front of the home and an undercover alfresco area at the rear.

The Coleman 253, all on one level, provides a living space at the front of the home adjacent to the master suite. The other 3 bedrooms are co-located with bathroom facilities. An undercover alfresco area is easily accessed from the open plan kitchen, meals, family and study area.

Visit these stunning homes at Hurtle Grove Display Village; open Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.

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